Guidelines for Authors
The article must be original, comprising of 25,000 to 30,000 characters maximum, including spaces and notes. It must be followed by an abstract in French translated into English and Spanish along with the translated titles. Specify the institutional affiliation and e-mail address.
General Presentation
— At the top of the page ahead of the text itself, is stated the name of the author(s) and, below, the title of the article in capital letters.
— In the text, the footnotes are numbered from 1 to n. They are placed inside the quotation (unless the footnote applies to several quotations). The footnote call is always placed ahead of the punctuation marks.
— The footnotes are gathered at the end of the article and are numbered consecutively; they should contain the bibliographical references mobilized.
— At the bottom of the text are the author’s full name, institutional references and an e-mail contact details.
— Below the footnotes, 3 summaries of the article (5-6 lines, in French, English, Spanish) are inserted together with the translated titles, as well as the keywords (5 maximum, in French, English and Spanish).
— The font used is Times New Roman 12 pts, single spaced, justified, paginated.
— Subheadings in italics.
Bibliographic References
The article has no bibliography; references to books and articles cited are in the footnotes (the authors’ first names are spelled out).
The references are to follow the templates below:
- Book: Christian Pociello, Les cultures sportives, Paris, PUF, 1995.
- Translated volume (indicate the date of the first edition in the original language): Karl Marx, Le capital (1867), Paris, Éditions sociales, 1983.
- Collective volume with editor(s): Alain Supiot (dir.), Au-delà de l’emploi, Paris, Flammarion, 1999.
- Journal article (indicate all co-authors): Denise Jodelet, « Dynamiques sociales et formes de la peur », Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie, vol. 2, n° 12, 2011, p. 239-256.
- Special journal issue with editor(s): Thierry Pillon et Georges Vigarello (dir.), Communications, n° 81, « Corps et techniques », Paris, Seuil, 2007.
- Chapter or article in a collective volume with editor(s): Robert Salais, « Incertitude et interactions de travail : des produits aux conventions », in André Orléan (dir.), Analyse économique des conventions, Paris, PUF, 1994, p. 81-87.
- Reports, symposium proceedings, theses; based on the model of books: Yannick Barthe, La mise en politique des déchets nucléaires, Thèse de l’École des mines de Paris, 1999.